Laura Bodo Lajber

Every line, to the last hour

27th June – 3rd August 2014

You have been in every line I have ever read. 
You are part of my existence, part of myself. 
You have been on the river, on the sails of the ships, on the marshes, in the clouds, in the light, in the darkness, in the wind, in the woods, in the sea, on the streets. 
To the last hour of my life, you can't choose but remain part of my character.
(Charles Dickens)

Laura Bodo Lajber’s art draws on the legacy of the American artist Joseph Cornell, an exponent of assemblage. Cornell's most characteristic art works were boxed assemblages created from found objects. Bodo Lajber has taken this artistic process a step beyond and applied it to found objects such as glass vases and old chairs. Like Cornell, who created poetry from the commonplace, her works evoke a sense of nostalgia. 

Taking discarded but once treasured objects she reshapes them and injects into them a sense of lost narrative and personal histories, so that we can only conjecture about whom the former owners of these items might have been, and we begin to place our own precarious sense of meaning onto the compositions.

‘In every work I create, I put all I have inside. Every piece tells a story, and it is the result of a very specific feeling. All of them are unique pieces created in a time of internal burning. I find no sense in creating a piece without having a strong sickening need to do so, the pieces are made of fire’.

Laura has exhibited widely in Spain, where she graduated from the Escuela de Artes y Oficios, Madrid, in Print-making and Photography. She won First Prize in the Artist Competition of the Sierra Noroeste in Madrid in 2009.

Recent exhibitions include; Unhinged Festival, Berlin/London 2012, Los Angeles Center For Digital Art, U.S.A. 2013, Rare Breeds The Residence Gallery, London 2013, Welsh Chapel Exhibition, BFI Film Festival, London 2013.